About company

2 bld. 62, Ugreshskaya str., Moscow, Russia;  +7 (916) 290 03 22

научно-производственный центр антитеррористической и криминалистической техники
8 (495) 644-23-20

Aleksey Vasil'evich KOVALEV - a graduate of the Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute, Professor, Doctor of Engineering, Russian Federation Government's prize winner is General Director of SPC «SPEKTR-AT» LLC..

Research and production center of antiterrorist and forensic equipment «SPEKTR-АТ» (hereinafter – the Center) was established on the 7th of September, 2007, on the basic of a specialized introscopy department of the Research Institute (NIIIN MSIA «SPEKTR»). The legal form of the company - is Limited Liability Company (Open Company). The principal activity of the Center is scientific research, searching reconnaissance and experimental design effort in the shortest periods of time, to commission up-to-date technologies and he latest achievements in science and engineering, the production of new technology products that best meets customer requirements. The central purpose of establishment of the Center and its main area is experimentation, designing, and manufacturing hardware based on nondestructive testing technique intended for carrying out antiterrorist, search, examine and forensic tasks.

Nowadays thanks to highly-skilled personnel, an accurate orientation of researches, and the stored experience and scientific reserve the Center looks ahead with a confidence and occupies the leading positions in the hardware market of modern forensic equipment. The Center is carrying out scientific researches, developing, manufacturing and selling the equipment of the following kinds:

  • Uncooled thermal imaging cameras in different design.
  • Optical (including wide-band and multichannel) watch and control facilities.
  • Endoscopic system (fiber-optical, video) in different design.
  • Mobile and portable X-Pay video systems, X-Ray units and viewers.
  • Search and examine kits, facilities, tools.
  • Explosives searching equipment (including gas detectors).
  • Forensic equipment.

Nowadays the range of equipment produced by SPC «SPEKTR-АТ» LLC is over 50 names. Special place in developments is taken by experimentation and creation uncooled thermal imaging searching devices. A few employees of the Center were at the beginning of creation domestically produced portable uncooled thermal imaging receivers for special tasks. First prototypes of such equipment encryted as TN-1, TN-2 and TN-3 has been appeared in 1985 and had a significant overall weight and dimensions characteristics, the low sensitivity and limited functionality. At the present time a number of portable high-effective multifunctional thermal imaging receivers «КАТRАN», «SPRUT», «SKAT», «TSN» series and also multichannel observing systems «SPEKTR» series and thermal imaging sights GRANIT series. We manufacture present-day flexible endoscopes based on high-quality fiber-optic and tiny TV-cameras, unique rigid borescopes with body diameter more than 1 mm, optical systems for hidden small-size watch facilities detection or for long focus optics registration, running counter observation from away of several thousand meters. Today, our equipment has been successfully used by specialists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSS and EIS, as well as security officials of Gazprom, Rosneft etc. We are exporting our products to a several countries of the CIS, the Baltic republics, Bulgaria, England and others.




Address:  Russian Federation, 115088, Moscow, Ugreshskaya str., 2, bld. 62.

Post address:  г. Moscow, ул. Угрешская, Ugreshskaya str., 2, bld. 62, p. O. box 3, SPC «SPEKTR-АТ» LLC

Alley: Metro station "Kozhukhovskaya", From the exit go on Yuzhnoportovaya street towards the TTC, at the right to enter the checkpoint of BC "IQ Park"

Working hours: 8:30 до 17:30
Day off: Saturday, Sunday

Выставки и конференции


С 11 по 14 августа 2025 года НПЦ "Спектр-АТ" принимает участие в Международном военно-техническом форуме «АРМИЯ-2025».

Ждем Вас на нашем стенде 3E2-1 в зале С!

Место проведения:

Конгрессно-выставочный центр «Патриот» (Московская область, Одинцовский район)

Время работы форума: 10:00 - 18:00

Координаты КВЦ: 55.582544, 36.835359






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